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Bart Smit and Intertoys are offering  a 10% discounts and free shipping for all their Lego sets until october 30th. While ToysXL stunts with buys 3, pay 2 for Lego.
Nice timing, a month before the holidays and during the autumn holidays.

So where to get the most out of your Lego discounts? Time for a comparisment with 3 high priced sets:
7965 Millennium Falcon, 7962 Anakin’s & Sebulba’s Podracers and 7961 Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Sets priced by S@H:
7965  € 159,99
7962 € 99,99
7961  € 74,99
Total: € 334,97

Bart Smit:
7965 (€ 159,99, € 149,99) 10% discount: € 134,99
7962 (€ 109,99, € 99,99) 10% discount: € 89,99
7961 (€ 79,99) 10% discount: € 71,99
Total: € 296,97

7965 (€ 159,99, € 149,99) 10% discount: € 134,99
7962 (€ 109,99, € 99,99) 10% discount: € 89,99
7961 (€ 74,99) 10% discount: € 67,49
Total: € 292,47

7965 € 159,99
7962 € 99,99
7961 € 74,99 (third set for free)
Total: € 259,98

Despite their sales and discounts, they still can’t beat Tanstoys with their regular prices:
7965 € 120,50
7962 € 77,75
7961 € 52,95
Total: € 251,20


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