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Announced just a few weeks back, the Lego Star Wars TV special The Padawan Menace has aired last July 22 on The Cartoon Network in the US.
The Cartoon Network has showed a number of funny Star Wars TV shows in the past few years. Three Family Guy parodies and three Robot Chicken specials were a good laugh with some good self-deprecating concerning all thing Star Wars.
The Padawan Menace is their first Lego Star Wars show.
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Lego already produced a fair number of Star Wars adventures,  however they break from their style of the Star Wars video games and short animations by having the characters talk rather than just use gestures and non-word vocalizations.
I totally support this decision as it would be unilateral to keep it up for longer than 10 minutes.

The Lego Star Wars TV special is more than just a gag reel of jokes like the before mentioned Family Guy and Robot Chicken, it also tells a new adventure that builds on both the classic and prequel trilogies.
The Padawan Menace in two words, stolen from one of the younglings: “Toooootaaaaally Aaaaaweeeeeesooooome!”

A 5 out of 5 star rating! So check out below why.

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