Here’s the first official poster for Marc Webb‘s reboot of the Spider-man franchise, The Amazing Spider-Man. Hopefully the film won’t be a blockbuster drama. It’s looking like to be a darker film than the Sam Raimi trilogy. The tagline of “The untold story” suggest some sort of continuating. As though they don’t want to differentiate too much from the previous movies. Even the Spider-logo is somewhat the same. Hopefully it will be something new.
The full poster is below.

Starring Andrew Garfield, Rhys Ifans, Emma Stone, Denis Leary, Sally Field and Martin Sheen, The Amazing Spider-Man is set to hit theatres on July 3rd, 2012.
about the author
An avid comicbook reader and skilled animator and designer, Dutch-based MarvelousRoland is a proud fanboy about Star Wars- and superhero-related collectibles, Lego, movies and comics.
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